A chemical peel is a procedure that you can get at a medical office to improve the look and feel of your skin. Keep reading to see if you are a good candidate for this rejuvenating treatment.
You Are In Overall Good Health
As with most other medical procedures, you will want to ensure that you are healthy enough to sit through the treatment and get the desired results. If you have a history of facial warts, unusual skin scarring, or strange pigmentation, this might not be the right procedure for you.
You Have Blotchy Skin
If you notice slight areas of discoloration or blotchiness on your face, a chemical peel can help you get smoother, more even skin. During the peel, a clinician applies a chemical solution that encourages the top, damaged layer to peel off. You are left with healthier, more aesthetically appealing skin. A chemical peel can even lighten the skin, which gives you an advantage when it comes to treating acne.
You Have Sun Damage
As nice as it feels to spend time in the sun, too much exposure can prematurely age your face. If sun damage is starting to make you look much older than you actually are, a chemical peel can help you reverse the damage and enjoy a more youthful appearance. Talk to your clinician about a chemical peel and whether or not it is the right solution for your sun damage issues.
Schedule an appointment at El Con Health and Wellness Center today to learn more about how a chemical peel can help you. We offer some of the best skin services and products in the city. For more information on our services, visit us online or call (520) 318-5515.